
Makerspaces are idea factories

Makerspaces make it possible to transform digital creations into physical reality . Almost anything can be 3D printed, and a laser cutter can realize both 2D and 3D graphics in everything from wood to brightly colored acrylic sheets.

With electronic building kits such as Arduino, you can program your inventions and integrate buttons, motors, light and sound. If you have an idea for an invention , a makerspace is the perfect place to start.

Spilværk has in-depth experience with makerspaces , from establishment and maintenance to concrete design projects that train 21st century skills. Let us help you get started.

Advice on makerspaces

3D design and printing

Once you have experimented with 3D graphics, you will quickly want to dive into 3D printing. This exciting technology has become significantly cheaper and more accessible in the last few years. Many schools and libraries have invested in a 3D printer, and with the right didactic scaffolding, children can easily get started with 3D printing. We can help you take your maker projects to the next level.

Workshops in 3D design

Laser cutting

With laser cutting, you can cut flat materials, from plywood to acrylic and certain textiles. A laser cutter uses digital line drawings as a guide and can cut amazing small details very accurately. It makes it possible to cut parts that fit together perfectly without machining.


Technological understanding is coupled with design when you include electronic building blocks , building sets and child-friendly block programming . With programming and electronics, you can make your prototypes interactive and work with user-driven design in exciting new ways. Let's get you started with tinker technologies and simple programming, so the crazy inventions can get started.

Workshops in tinkering and programming